‘Sabers and Roses Ball’ site seeks state grant
10 March 2007
The current owner of the Landon House, Urbana, Maryland, seeks money to help him restore the historic structure. The report in yesterday’s Frederick News Post suggests his chances of getting any are about zero, at least for this year. Owner Kevin Dolan seeks $250,000 to renovate 3000 square feet downstairs.
Sabers and Roses* refers to the ball held by General JEB Stuart and his officers during the 1862 Maryland Campaign. The romantic story of the event involves dashing cavalry, local belles, and gallant combat between dances til dawn.
Mr. Dolan, aka Johnny Reb, apparently has had a number of other ‘irons in the fire’ to help publicize/make money/fund the building
- Maryland Museum of Civil War History
- Landon Society
- Landon House Entertainment: web tv, reality show, radio, movie?
- Landon House Records: CD
- documentatary film on the “weird, thriving American Civil War subculture”
- haunted house tours
- law office tenants
- sponsor of Maryland South
- an almost-blog
The current focus seems to be on weddings.
* Can a phrase like Sabers and Roses be a brand or trademark? Artist Dale Gallon liked it for his painting …
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