Accident near Antietam (1863)
21 April 2024
This item from the Frederick Examiner of 29 April 1863 is online thanks to Crossroads of War from the Catoctin Center for Regional Studies. My transcription:
About 3 o’clock on last Saturday afternoon, Mr. D Keplinger, living near the Battle field of Antietam, came to his death through the bursting of a conical shell. He was trying to remove the screw or cap of the shell found on the field, when it exploded, blowing off two of his fingers and driving the cap through his leg, severing the femoral artery. He lingered about eight hours, when death terminated his sufferings. He leaves a wife and children.
There were quite a number of Keplingers living in Sharpsburg and elsewhere in Washington County at the 1860 US Census, but I haven’t found a good match for this one.
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