Segways on the battlefield
14 April 2007
Segway tours of the Antietam National Battlefield?
I don’t know how I feel about it. Superintendent Howard says it’s a good idea …
More from the Frederick News-Press article.
Added 4/18/2007: National Parks Traveler Kurt Repanshek wonders about this, too.
April 18th, 2007 at 12:36 pm
I have read with interest the articles coming in from around the net on this topic of Segways at Antietam National Battlefield over the past week. Like you, I am ambivalent about the plan. I do appreciate the idea that Segways are a means to open portions of the battlefield to those who may not physically be able to walk them (e.g., Burnside Bridge, Roulette Farm Lane). In this regard, it is difficult to object to the intelligent use of technology to give all citizens (regardless of physical ability) access to these important places of history.
However, the pragmatist (and perhaps less idealistically, the cynic) in me sees this as a potential to turn Antietam National Battlefield into a venue for those wishing to “play” on a Segway for a day. It is not difficult to imagine someone reading these articles of the past week and dismissing the reverence that every visitor owes to the battlefield — and simply making a call, giving a credit card number and adding an event to their calendar “Segway fun at anteetam next Sunday at 9am. Remember video camera!”
The people that come to Antietam today come to stand reverently on the fields where history was made. Visitorship is certainly important. However, if we provide motivation for visiting Antietam which completely excludes the history, I fear we imperil the implied expectation that every visitor conduct themselves with reverence and decorum.
Very Respectfully,
Cory W. Newby
April 18th, 2007 at 1:05 pm
Thanks for weighing in, Cory. These are the things that concern me, too. I don’t think Segways are awful, just kind of frivolous. Maybe I’m an old fogey, but I expect a certain dignity at Antietam. I’m having trouble fitting Segways into that.