Carman coming to print
26 June 2007
I’m keeping my eyes open for Ezra Carman‘s description of the battle of Antietam coming to the bookstore soon, thanks to a post by the Civil War Librarian back in May .
Ezra Ayres Carman (c. 1862-65, USAMHI)
For Antietam scholars, Carman is the mother lode. I have chunks of his manuscript, and have heard about Tom Clemens’ ongoing work, but as far as I know, no published versions yet exist.
This one has been edited by Joseph “Jake” Pierro, and Amazon has it listed at $95 in pre-order. Yikes. Scroll down at Amazon for early blurbs for the book.
Jake has been on the TalkAntietam email group the last couple of days and has spoken a little of his work and Carman there. Drop in and join the conversation.
July 12th, 2007 at 2:25 pm
Thanks for the mention of CWL.
I’ll have an update posted soon on Pierro’s Carman, the release date of which will now be early September.
I’ve post the contents of the Gettysburg NMP’s seminar books on
What’s the chances of having the Chambersburg papers edited into a book? or a Gettysburg Magazine-tpye publication?
Savas/Beattie speculated upon the notion of publishing essays from the GNMP Seminar series.