Farewell Mimi

3 June 2008

Cuban born American chief-of-the-great-clan Emilio Louis Fanjul (1924-2008) returned to the boundless deep yesterday afternoon at 3:15pm. Fine son, husband of endless love, father of many daughters, he made the good exit in the heart of his family at Haddonfield, New Jersey after the long dance with Alzheimer’s.

E.L. Fanjul, Seaman First Class, USN, 1944

In yellowed photographs he smiles forever.

E.L. Fanjul, other Navy Corpsmen, 1944

He lived in joy and honor, and will forever in us.

E.L. Fanjul and brother Estrada (1921-2004), 1944

And to the last generation.


Philadelphia Inquirer obituary (6/4/08)

5 Responses to “Farewell Mimi”

  1. mannie gentile says:


    What a particularly touching piece of prose to honor someone who was obviously much loved.

    Best regards,


  2. Brian says:

    Thanks for your great big heart, Mannie.

  3. Larry Freiheit says:


    A wonderful tribute to Mr. Fanjul. He must have been a terrific father-in-law (if I read the obituary correctly) perhaps with some good war stories?


  4. Gerard Mayers says:


    A tremendous story. I am sure he was a typical WW2 veteran…did not speak too much of his war time service but was immensely proud to have served.

    My late father, a WW2 veteran who passed on in early 1998, oftentimes said he and those like him simply had a job to do and got it done. That in no way diminishes their courage and their sacrifice.

    He sounds, from the obituary, to have been a most remarkable gentleman…all the more so because he was an immigrant.

    May he rest in peace.

  5. Brian says:

    Thanks Gerry, and to your Dad and all the others of that Greatest Generation!

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