[Latest update of 10 March 2024]

At the bottom of this post you’ll find the latest lists of the men who died on, or as a result of, the Maryland Campaign of September 1862.Their names are pulled from the database of Antietam of the Web, so there’s an individual page there for each one of them, should you care to learn more.

The first is a list of the soldiers killed at Sharpsburg on 16, 17, or 18 September. The Official Records (ORs) and the Antietam Battlefield Board put the number killed at Antietam at about 1,550 Confederates and 2,100 Federals. I’ve found 1,729 and 2,205 so far.

The second is of those who died of their wounds in the days and weeks after the battle. Just as dead, these men are not included in the counts above, and only make the scale of the carnage that much worse. There are 829 Confederate and 1,015 Union soldiers here.

The third lists all of the individuals who died on, or as a result of, the Campaign as a whole, which covers the period of 4 September – when the first Confederate troops crossed the Potomac River into Maryland – through 20 September 1862, the end of the battle between threatening Federals and the rear guard of the Army of Northern Virginia near Shepherdstown, VA. Included are deaths in the combat actions of the Campaign: the fights on South Mountain, at Harpers Ferry, Sharpsburg, and Boteler’s Ford, and in a myriad of skirmishes that month; and also more than 300 men who died of disease, accident, or other cause.

Although mostly complete, these lists are an ongoing work – I will continue to add individuals as I learn of them. Also be aware that the information is only as good as the sometimes imperfect historical record behind it.

[Original post of 25 Aug 2012]

Attached to this post is my first feeble attempt at a list of individual soldiers who died on the Maryland Campaign of 1862 – those killed or mortally wounded in action, or otherwise died as a result of their presence there. As far as I know there is no single, comprehensive list anywhere. This one is a start.

click to see larger image

I have been motivated in part by the upcoming memorial reading of the names of the Dead of Antietam at the Antietam National Cemetery on Sunday, September 16. ANB Ranger Alann Schmidt is leading the effort, and put out a call for names to add to the lists of local burials he already has available (National Cemetery, Rose Hill,  Mt Olivet, and Elmwood).  I hope to be able to contribute some others.

The following nicely summarizes what we’re up against here, though. It’s from the folks at the Western Maryland Regional Library:

According to the Antietam National Battlefield website 2,100 Union solders were killed, 9,550 were wounded, and 750 were listed as missing or captured. Of the Confederate soldiers, 1,550 were killed, 7,750 were wounded and 1,020 missing or captured. The number of men who died of their wounds or the number of missing who had been killed is not known. A conservative estimate of 20% of the wounded dying of their wounds and 30% of the missing killed gives an approximate number of soldiers who died as a result of this battle at 7,640.

This doesn’t even consider the hundreds who died in other action and of other causes during the Campaign – on South Mountain, at Harpers Ferry, at Shepherdstown, and in all the skirmishes in between.

The initial list of 2012 contained a little over 2,700 names – less than 1/3 of those who died.  I’m adding names to my database all the time, though, so the list will grow and I will post new editions here periodically. As of March 2024 it contains 7,586 names.

The Current Lists

[PDF 1.5M] Cover

  [PDF 52K] Introduction/Guide

Killed at Antietam/Sharpsburg on 16-18 September 1862

  [PDF 950 KB] Killed at Antietam (3934 names, sorted by State)  v3  10 March 2024

[PDF 963 KB] Killed at Antietam (3934 names, sorted by Rank)  v3  10 March 2024

[PDF 967 KB] Killed at Antietam (3934 names, sorted by Name)  v3  10 March 2024

Wounded at Antietam/Sharpsburg and died later

  [PDF 446 KB] Mortally Wounded at Antietam (1844 names, sorted by State)  v3  10 March 2024

  [PDF 451 KB] Mortally Wounded at Antietam (1844 names, sorted by Rank)  v3  10 March 2024

  [PDF 452 KB] Mortally Wounded at Antietam (1844 names, sorted by Name)  v3  10 March 2024

The Dead of the Campaign of September 1862

[PDF 2.1 MB] The Dead List (7586 names, sorted by State) v13  10 March 2024

[PDF 2.1 MB] The Dead List (7586 names, sorted by Name) v13  10 March 2024


The iconic photograph here is by Alexander Gardner. He took it on September 19th or 20th, 1862 on the battlefield at Antietam, and titled it “A Lonely Grave“. Bill Frassanito did some masterful research for his book and identified the grave in question as that of Private John Marshall of the 28th Pennsylvania Infantry. I got my copy of the photograph from the Library of Congress.

The quote above from the Western Maryland Regional Library is on their fine WHILBR site in a page about Confederate burials on the campaign.


For the lack of a better place, here’s a list of one. Killed on the campaign, but I don’t know who he is.

M. (probably Marcel) Diendonnie or Dieudonnie. A soldier who was mortally wounded by a gunshot to his hip, probably at Antietam on 17 September and died at a US Army hospital in Frederick, MD on 23 November. He’s buried in Antietam National Cemetery.  He’s only in the hospital and burial records, listed in Company E of either the First Rhode Island Infantry (not at Antietam) or the First New York Infantry. No one with a similar name is found in those or any other military roster. A mystery man.

20 Responses to “Antietam 150: The Dead of the Maryland Campaign”

  1. T.F. says:

    A great-great-uncle of mine was Private WIlliam Moore Sayre of Co K 66th OVI. Missed Antietam becuase he was detailed to guard Regimental Cattle. however he was at Gettysburg with the 66th OVI. He died of wounds in a skirmish June 16, 1864 In Georgia. He is buried in National Cemetery, Marietta Georgia but as an unknown-his id was apparently lost. Sorry no known picture of him. See find a grave # 41082840

  2. Bill Marvel says:

    If you are looking for additional names, I noticed that you had no killed from the U.S. Sharpshooters. I was looking specifically for Robert F. Twombly, Co. G, 2nd USSS, who was killed in the Cornfield, to see if he was buried (as I presume) in Antietam National Cemetery. The grave locator lists no Twombly.

  3. Brian says:

    Thanks Bill! I’ve added a page for Private Twombly. I couldn’t find his burial place either, though. I’ll get to adding others of the Sharpshooters who were at Antietam as I can.

  4. James S Weeks says:

    I find Willian C. (Cullam) Robinson listed on the dead of Maryland Campaigns. I know he was shot in the head at Antietam on the first day during the Cornfield skirmish, but did not die until 6-7 days later. His brother-in-law came down to see him but missed his death by a day, he wrote that he buried him near a large tree by the “Hospital” with either his name or Initials carved in a tree and a couple of boards, with the idea of returning the next Spring to retrieve the body, but that did not apparently happen.
    He is listed as MWIA which I assume is Missing While In Action, his brother-in-law stated that Cullan wondered off the battlefield in a daze and was found and taken to a hospital but never regained conscientiousness. Do you have any record of him being buried at Antietam National Cemetery either by name or Initials?

  5. Brian says:

    Thanks for the great details, James. I’ve updated Corporal Robinson’s page. We use MWIA as short for Mortally Wounded in Action. I haven’t found a record for him being buried at Antietam National Cemetery, though he could have been, perhaps among the many Unknowns.

  6. Steve Lewis says:

    Thank you for all your work! On your details on the list of dead, Pg 96 listing the dead by State, the information you have for Private Jeremiah H. Pile, PA 128 PAI, is correct. He is buried at St. Paul’s Cemetery (also known as Amityville Cemetery) in Amityville, Amityville Township, PA. (Source is Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept of Military Affairs, Record of Burial Place of Veteran. Thank you! keep up the great work!

  7. Brian says:

    Thanks Steve! I’ve updated the AotW database for Private Pile to add his burial place (and other details), so that will be included next time I run an update to the Dead List.


    Brian- the information on Sgt George Wilson is limited on your site. He was born in Aberdeen, Scotland about 1839. He was a plumber by trade and worked for his father in NYC before the war. His remaims were returned to the family [by train] and he was laid to rest on Sunday, May 31, 1863, at New York Bay- Bay View Cemetery across the Hudson in New Jersey. His parents [George and Margaret Wilson], my Great-Great Grandparents on my mother’s side, had a contract with Aaron Good. A letter from George & Margaret to Aaron Good has been on display at the Antietam Battlefield Museum. The staff at the Battlefield was kind enough to provide me with a digital copy of the original letter. Unfortunately, no photos of Sgt. Wilson exist to my knowledge. Sgt. Wilson was George & Margaret’s oldest child and the only one born in Scotland. Their next oldest child, Alexander [my Great-Grandfather] served in the Union Navy [1864-1865] and survived the war.

  9. Brian says:

    Thanks very much for the information, Robert. I’ve updated Sergeant Wilson‘s page.

  10. Gary says:

    Thank You for your work! I found my uncle Pvt Joseph Thomas Neal, 72nd Pennsylvania infantry company D. The proper spelling of his last name is Neel. He was born in 1844 (only 18yrs). Joseph mustered in August 10, 1861 in Philadelphia. He was part of Dewitt Clinton Baxter’s “Fire Zouaves”. He was wounded on September 17 when his company took part in the attack on the West Woods. The wounds claimed his life on the 27th. He was eventually buried in Asbury M.E. Church in Philadelphia on October 28 1863. He was later removed and placed at Mount Moriah cemetery Section 138, Lot 159 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November 11 1874. I do not have a photo of Joseph but I do have his death certificate that could be used as a photo. It lists his occupation as soldier 72nd Pennsylvania vols company D and that he died of gunshot wounds.

  11. Brian says:

    Thank you Gary! I’ve improved his page on AotW and that’ll also correct the list when I export the next version.

  12. Chip Tovey says:

    I looked at the list and you’re missing my 3X great-grandfather, Daniel H. Garrison. Sad story, as I’m sure all of these are, but he enlisted as a private in the 12th Alabama. His muster out rank is Captain, but I think they did that posthumously. The 12th Alabama was at the center of the battle, fighting from position inside the Sunken Road/Bloody Lane. He was wounded in the chest, and lingered for 9 agonizing days, finally passing on September 26th, 1862. Antietam was his first engagement out of drill. He was issued his uniform in July and would be dead less than 3 months.

    Another side note, Daniel was from a large clan of Garrison’s who immigrated to New York/New Jersey area from Western Europe. His ancestry was Dutch. He was the only one in the family that migrated to the Deep South. Reason for this is he took a job with the railroad. He chose to fight for the Confederacy and his new home. All of his relatives that participated in the war fought for the Union. This goes to further reinforce the belief that where one called home largely determined which side that came down on.

  13. Brian says:

    Thank you very much, Chip!

    I’ve added a page for Captain Garrison on AotW. He was actually Captain by June 1862 and got paid at that rank, so not just honorary or posthumous.

  14. Michael J Phillips III says:

    Thank you for all you are doing here. My 4th? G-Grandfather was Pvt. Oliver Blanchard of the 132nd PA Volunteer Infantry. He was shot in the head during an advance on the sunken road and died some 6 or 7 days later. I have a photo of him if you would like to use it on his page, please email … [email sent, photos received]

  15. Eric Houghtling says:

    My 3xgreat uncle was KIA at Antietam on Sept. 17,1862. His name was Myron Cobb. He was with the 13 Pennsylvania Res. We have in a letter from Lt. R.D.Hall “he was buried by the boys in his company” I was trying to find any information on this. I have looked at the data base for Antietam Cemetery,and the Elliott map. If you could help me find more information.

  16. Brian says:

    Hi Eric,

    I’ve looked further into Myron Cobb, but have no good information about his final resting place. He does not appear in the Antietam National Cemetery History by name, and there does not seem to be a headstone there for him.

    Thanks for the reference to his burial on the battlefield, I’ve added that to his page.

    It is possible whatever his comrades used to mark his grave did not survive to 1867 or so, when most of the men buried on the field were moved to the cemetery.

    It’s also possible a family member retrieved his remains, but I found no information about that online.

    Good hunting!

  17. James C Morgan says:

    I am trying to track down the date and circumstances of the death of my GGGF, William Bogan Sports, 23rd SCI, part of Evan’s Brigade, Longstreet’s div. He was wounded on 9 Sept and died on 10 Sep in Maryland. I saw a medical/hospital extract on line but now cannot relocate. There was an annotation of the type of wound he had but I could not decipher. Any help would be greatly appreciated as we try to locate his remains. I have another GGGF, from the 7th Wisconsin, killed in the West Woods on the 17th and is buried in the national cemetery at Sharpsburg.

    Thank you

  18. Brian says:

    Thanks James,

    I’ve added a new page to the website for William Bogan Sports. I’ve done some digging in the references I know about, looking for the medical details you mention or for mention of his burial in Maryland, but no luck.

    For the moment, I’ve got him as having died in Maryland, probably on 9 September, but his mortal wounding not detailed.

    I hope you’ll re-discover that reference and let me know about it at some point!

  19. Phil says:

    The recently discovered Elliot map of the graves on the battlefield at Antietam yields a startlingly .higher number of dead than the data contained on this wonderful site reveal.

    If memory serves me, there are 5,854 burials cited, with the breakdown being 2,644 Union and 3,210 confederate. The number of southern dead seems implausibly high, but it very much bears out McClellan’s claim that his men buried 2,700 confederate dead in addition to hundreds buried by the rebels themselves. The number of Union dead is also higher than the number reported as killed. Maybe the graves in the map include hundreds who died from wounds ; although the strictly battlefield location suggest men slain on the spot. In this respect the number of dead confederates counted by Elliot in the Cornfield sector and its environs is really surprisingly large, indicating a significant Union edge in the killing match in this phase of the battle. Do you think Elliot’s map is misleading, or erroneous ?

  20. James C. Morgan says:

    Brian, Thanks for the info on William Bogan Sports. I will try to find the casualty record that he was shot on night of 9/10 Sep. This was before South Mountain and Antietam so was probably a skirmish following the crossing of 4 Sept.

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