Lieut. R.R. Furbay

13 January 2020

At Antietam in the late afternoon of 17 September 1862 the 30th Ohio Infantry was being flanked by troops of General A.P. Hill’s Division. Lieutenant Colonel Jones passed the order to fall back, but only the 4 rightmost Companies heard him. Colonel Ewing sent Lieutenant Reese R. Furbay to get the remaining 6 Companies, but before he could reach them …

Lieutenant Furbay, the memory of whose gallantry and worth is written in the hearts of his comrades, was shot, by three balls, through the body.

This is his stone in the family cemetery in Georgetown, Ohio; photo by Findagrave user AncestorFinder.

2 Responses to “Lieut. R.R. Furbay”

  1. John Furbay says:


    I’m curious to know if you have any additional information on Lieutenant Reese R. Furbay ?

    Thank You,

  2. Brian says:

    Hi John, thanks for your question! Everything I’ve found about him is on his bio page, but perhaps another visitor will have more on him …

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