I spent a good part of yesterday exploring the tree of the Kindred family – 5 of whom served in Company F the 4th Texas Infantry. I think I’ve got them sorted out now.

There were four brothers …

Joshua P Kindred (1830-1902) – stayed with the wounded at Sharpsburg, captured
John Stephen Kindred (1834-1862) – killed at Gaines’ Mill (Cold Harbor) 27 June 1862
Elisha Thomas Kindred (1839-1904) – elected Jr 2nd Lieutenant in July 1862; not in Maryland in 1862
James B Kindred (b. 1846) – wounded at Sharpsburg, recovered
(another brother, Joseph Colston Kindred (1841-1916) was a Sergeant, Company B, 5th Texas Infantry)

… and a cousin

Joseph Henry Kindred (1844-1862) – enlisted at age 17, mortally wounded at Sharpsburg, died 27 September

The page images above are from 4th Texas Chaplain Nicholas A. Davis’ The Campaign from Texas to Maryland (1863) online from the Hathi Trust. Davis is as close to an immediate first-hand witness as it gets for figuring out who was at Sharpsburg. Not perfect, but a great starting point.

Here’s the first page of his roster for the 4th Texas, with the table key and headers to help make sense of the snippets above:

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