19 year old Private Wallace R Andrus was promoted to First Sergeant of his Company, “B” of the 16th Connecticut Infantry, on the field at Antietam on 17 September 1862.

He was First Lieutenant of Company I by April 1864 when he was captured, along with most of his regiment, at Plymouth, NC. He ended up with many other officers of the 16th in the “prison pens” in Columbia, SC before being paroled and sent north in December 1864.

The clipping here is an excerpt from a massive 8-column list on page 2 of the New York Times of 6 February 1865, transcribed through OCR online, and in images from the Timesmachine [subscription required].


The officers of the 16th listed as Columbia prisoners were:

Maj. Dewees, 6th Conn.[?]

Capt. H. Hintz, Co. C, 6th [sic] Conn. [paroled 10 March 65]

Capt. N. [M] C. Turner, Co. D, 6th Conn. [escaped 15 Feb 65]

Lieut. John B Clapp, Adjt. 6th Conn. [paroled 30 Nov 64]

Lieut. Geo. A. Bowers, Co. A, 6th Conn. [paroled 28 Feb 65]

Lieut. Geo. Johnson, Co. B, 6th Conn. [paroled 30 Nov 64]

Lieut. H. Landon, Co. D, 6th Conn. [escaped 15 Feb 65]

Lieut. A.G. Case, Co. E, 6th Conn. [paroled March 65]

Lieut. E.E. Strong, Co. F, 6th Conn. [paroled 2 March 65, Northeast Ferry, NC]

Lieut. Wm.G. Miller, Co. G, 6th Conn. [paroled 10 Dec 64, Wilmington, NC]

Lieut. A.A. Dickerson, Co. H, 6th Conn. [escaped 3 Nov 64]

Lieut. W.R. Andrus, Co. I, 6th Conn. [paroled 10 Dec 64]

Lieut. H. Bruns, Co. K, 6th Conn. [paroled 10 Dec 64]

Lieut. B.F. Blakeslee, Co. G, 6th Conn. [escaped 3 Nov 64]

Capt. T.F. Burke, Co. A, 6th Conn. [escaped 3 Nov 64]

Capt. [C.] W. Morse, Co. E, 6th Conn. [escaped 14 Feb 65]

Capt. T.B. Robinson, Co. K, 6th Conn. [escaped 3 Nov 64]

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