A 34 year old clerk from Philadelphia, Morrison Woodward was Sergeant Major of the 2nd Pennsylvania Reserves when they fought in the Maryland Campaign of September 1862.

He wrote of his experiences there in his 1865 regimental history, describing the scene at Turner’s Gap on the 14th and the terrible fighting on the evening of the 16th and morning of the 17th at Antietam. He also included this almost comic incident:

When we broke and were driven across the field, a chicken was scared up, which displayed equal alacrity with the men in its flight to the rear, and a most animated race for life or death took place between them, but the Sergeant-major seizing a favorable opportunity threw himself upon the ground and captured the prize, which furnished a most sumptuous repast.

He was appointed First Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant after the battle and (much) later was award the Medal of Honor for his work in capturing enemy troops and their flag at Fredericksburg that December.

Morrison’s father James Searles Woodward (November 1790-October 1862) was a prosperous merchant in Philadelphia. Just for fun, here’s his c.1820 portrait as a young man, now in the Naomi Wood Collection, hanging in the dining room of the Woodford Mansion, Philadelphia.


Evan Morrison Woodward’s photograph, which looks to have been hand-retouched, was sold by the Union Drummer Boy in Gettysburg.

Woodward’s history of the 2nd Reserves – Our Campaigns or, The Marches, Bivouacs, Battles, Incidents of Camp Life and History of our Regiment during its Three Years Term of Serviceis online from the Internet Archive.

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