Near the end of his long life, Sharpsburg survivor William Samuel Agnew, late Lieutenant of the 19th Mississippi Infantry, attended the United Confederate Veterans (UCV) reunion at Jacksonville, FL in May 1914. Here he is – mostly beard and hat – on that occasion.

This picture was shared to the FamilySearch database by Jimmy Freeman in 2021. See more about the Jacksonville reunion, including film footage, from the Florida Historical Society.

This is John Kirkpatrick, who enlisted in the 45th Pennsylvania Infantry in October 1861, probably 16 or 17 years old, and was mortally wounded at Antietam not quite one year later. Thanks to descendant Barry van Brunt for sending me this superb photograph.

Lieutenant Ivory Quinn Perry of Company A, 19th Mississippi Infantry was wounded in the foot and captured at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862 and afterward disabled for active service. This photograph of him in uniform was kindly contributed to the FamilySearch database by Natalie Brannon in July 2022.