With the Colors of the 69th: Captain James McGee
30 December 2018
At the Sunken Road at Antietam on 17 September 1862, the green Regimental colors had fallen again, after the 8th color bearer was shot …
… the Irish green lay trailing in the dust: Meagher cried out “Boys, raise the colors, and follow me !” Captain James McGee, of the Sixty-ninth, rushed forward, and crying, “I’ll follow you” – seized the flag. As he raised it, a bullet cut the standard in two in his hand; and, as he again stooped down, another bullet tore through his cap. Still, he jumped up, waving the flag, shook it at the rebels, and cheered on the troops, almost miraculously escaping.
McClellan viewed the battle from a hill, and anxiously watched the charge of the Irish Brigade. Seeing the colors fall so often, and the line in temporary confusion, an aid cried out “The day is lost, general – the Irish fly!”
McClellan looked on for a moment, and smilingly replied “No, no! their flags are up – they are charging” …
Captain James Edward McGee commanded Company F of the 69th New York Infantry at Antietam.
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