Pvt J B Stinson
31 August 2019
Walter Clark edited the massive 5 volume Histories of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War, 1861-1865 (1901). Included on its pages are hundreds of pictures of soldiers from those units, in most cases photos of their faces were apparently cut out and pasted on drawings of generic uniform jackets; officers with appropriate collar insignia. A unique presentation approach I’ve not seen anywhere else.
One of those soldiers, seen here from a page in Volume 4, is Private James B Stinson of Company A, 4th North Carolina Infantry. At Sharpsburg in September 1862
Private J. B. Stinson, of same [4th] regiment, acting as courier to General Anderson, was wounded in three places at Sharpsburg, and there, as on every other battle-field, behaved most nobly.
He returned to duty, served as courier to Generals Anderson, Ramseur, and Grimes through the war, was wounded again, at Spotsylvania Court House in 1864, and was surrendered at Appomattox Court House, VA on 9 April 1865.
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