GoogleBooks has the complete 1865 Army Register online. Compiled by the Adjutant-General, this reference volume lists all staff (by corps) and line (by regiment) officers of the Regular Army along with other ranks/commands to which they were assigned and the date they entered service.

Originally published by the US Government Printing Office (1865), this book was digitized from a copy at the University of Michigan on 10 October 2006. Go Wolverines.

With a quick check, complete volumes for 1848, 1850, 1853, 1864 and 1880 were also found, but other editions–like that for 1910–are blocked as if copyrighted (which of course they couldn’t be).

Poor, confused GoogleBooks.

One Response to “Digital Sources: 19th Century US Army Registers”

  1. Jerry Jacobson says:

    You rock! Thank you for publishing this information!

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