Pvt Henry C Severs (c. 1861)
17 April 2022
Among these faces of his regiment, the 4th North Carolina Infantry, is that of Private Henry Clontz Severs, Company K. He was noticed by his Captain for his bravery, and he assisted wounded General G B Anderson from the field at Sharpsburg before being captured there.
He survived the war and was a successful merchant and real estate investor in the part of Charlotte, NC still known today as Seversville. He was killed in a train accident at Salisbury, NC in November 1915 on the way to the University of Virginia-North Carolina football game set for the next day in Richmond, VA. He was 73.
The page above is from Walter Clark’s Histories of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War, 1861-1865 (Vol. 1, 1901).
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