Sgt Romaine B Hart (c. 1864)
11 January 2022
Romaine Ballard Hart was a 17 year old Private of not quite two month’s service with the 108th New York Infantry when he was wounded in the thigh at Antietam, and his military career seemed to be over. But he did recover, enlisted about a year later as a Sergeant in Company B, 22nd New York Cavalry, … and had his picture taken.
Thanks very much to Kathy Jerrow for the pointer to Hart, his bio, and his photograph. This copy from the Historical Data Systems database, contributed by Ron Erwin.
January 13th, 2022 at 4:52 pm
This is so wonderful, Brian’s prompt reply to my query was great. I was able to provide information to ensure my third great uncle Romaine Hart’s picture and story was added to AotW website. I am very grateful that those who sacrificed so much are remembered.