I received this as a comment to another post, but thought I’d repackage here in case you don’t catch it elsewhere. If you are a blogger, please give the courtesy of your undivided attention:

October / 2006

We are interested in learning more about history blogs and in finding ways to promote them. To aid in this effort, we are circulating a small questionnaire and will make the results available in Tapera (in Spanish) and in Digital History Hacks (in English). If you wish to participate, please return the questionnaire to tapera@tapera.info
Thank you very much.

William Turkel – Digital History Hacks – http://digitalhistoryhacks.blogspot.com/
Nicolás Quiroga “ Tapera “ http://tapera.info

First post (mm/dd/Y):

1. Which history-related blogs do you visit most frequently? (1-5)
2. What factors do you think are involved in your choice of blogs to read? (For example: quality of information, writing, institution, author profile, rankings, entertainment value¦)
3. What factors characterize your own blog? Which are most important?
4. Have you changed the objectives of your blog since you created it?

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