‘Blind Sam’ Campbell, Yorkville Enquirer (1895)
23 July 2020
Samuel Leroy Campbell, First Lieutenant of Company H, 18th South Carolina was shot through the head and left for dead near Turner’s Gap on South Mountain on 14 September 1862. He was found by locals two days later, blind but alive. He was exchanged in November 1862 and furloughed home.
This clipping from the Yorkville Enquirer of 2 October 1895 alludes to his post-war profession of pumping water for the trains at Clover, SC. In 1894 the newspaper had noted
he is not pumping by hand now. Of late he has come to the conclusion that the work is getting too hard for his advancing years, and he has procured a windmill. Now he sits about, whittles out puzzles and other objects that his ingenuity enables him to fashion from wood, talks with his friends, and makes it certain that the wind mill properly discharges the duty that he has imposed upon it.
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